Portland Police Bureau

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    KATU-ABCTelevision Market: Portland, OR (22)

    News This Morning

    Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT

    [5:02:40 AM] [0:30] A live look now at downtown Portland where in just the last couple hours protesters were cleared from the area around the federal courthouse. PORTLAND POLICE say federal officers started using crowd control munitions around 11-30 to try and break up the crowd. They also report protesters tried to start a fire outside the building, block people inside with pieces of a fence and started a fire in lownsdale square, prompting federal officers to use áanother round of crowd control munitions just before


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Portland Police Bureau
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 News This Morning Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT 
  [5:02:40 AM] [0:30] A live look now at downtown Portland where in just the last couple hours protesters were cleared from the area around the federal courthouse. PORTLAND POLICE say federal officers started using crowd control munitions around 11-30 to try and break up the crowd. They also report protesters tried to start a fire outside the building, block people inside with pieces of a fence and started a fire in lownsdale square, prompting federal officers to use áanother round of crowd control munitions just before
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 Nielsen Audience:  8,693     Ad Value:  $90     Calc Ad Value:  $90   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $270     Runtime:  0:30     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 News This Morning Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT 
  [5:15:31 AM] [0:40] Karlea Cole' says a person caught on surveillance video stole more than four-thousand dollars worth of jewelry. She says she called PORTLAND POLICE and was told an officer would be around within an hour. She says hours later they called to say an police wouldn't be able to get out there áat allá that day. According to data from PORTLAND POLICE response times for both low priority and high priority calls are up. Business owners say theives know police can't quickly respond right now. "Theremd[for people who are looking to steal because they know that their response time, even if you have an alarm, in under 10 going to be here even on a good day.
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 Nielsen Audience:  8,693     Ad Value:  $90     Calc Ad Value:  $120   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $360     Runtime:  0:40     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KATU News First at Four Jul 22 2020 04:00PM PT 
  [4:02:05 PM] [0:16]  Fire in lownsdale square. Federal officers used another round of crowd control munitions PORTLAND POLICE say they were not present last night and didn't engage with the crowd or deploy cs gas. PORTLAND POLICE did not make any arrests. We're working to find out whether federal officers took anybody into custody.
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  [4:03:15 PM] [0:56]  However, they said they will do their part to ensure portlanders' safety and by that, they passed a resolution. PORTLAND POLICE must not work with federal officers. That's the headline from the Portland city council today. Commissioner eudaly introduced a resolution limiting ppb's ability to work with or aid federal officers. In it, it specifically says members of the PORTLAND POLICE bureau shall not provide, request, or willingly receive operational support from federal forces. Meaning but not limited to embedding in federal incident command centers, sharing or receiving information with federal forces, engaging in policing or crowd control measures with federal forces. Councilors say when it comes to getting federal officers out, they are limited. But committed to doing what they can to help PORTLANDERS.
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 Nielsen Audience:  29,526     Ad Value:  $275     Calc Ad Value:  $660   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,980     Runtime:  1:12     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KATU News First at Four Jul 22 2020 04:00PM PT 
  [4:28:37 PM] [0:17]  There is now a barrier up in front of the federal courthouse after protesters breached the west side doors and set fires overnight. PORTLAND POLICE say federal officers started using crowd control munitions around 11:30 to try and break up the crowd. It went on until nearly 2:00 A.M. Police say they did not engage the crowd or make any arrests.
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  [4:28:49 PM] [0:22]  PORTLAND POLICE also say protesters tried to start a fire outside the federal building, blocked people inside with pieces of a fence, and started a fire in lownsdale square. That prompted federal officers to use another round of crowd control munitions just before 2:00 A.M. All day today, we have been asking mayor wheeler to comment but he did speak with CNN last night.
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 Nielsen Audience:  29,526     Ad Value:  $275     Calc Ad Value:  $358   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,072     Runtime:  0:39     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KATU News at 5 Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:00:26 PM] [0:34]  Kellee: that's exactly right. She also took things a step further today during those council meetings, saying she believes it's actually PORTLAND POLICE officers who are inciting violence and even setting some of those fires. And we did hear back from daryl turner today on that subject. Today city council members agreed and passed a resolution forbidding officers from PORTLAND POLICE from working with federal officers. But it was during the discussion portion that commissioner hardesty put out a number of accusations against the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION president daryl turner.
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  [5:00:59 PM] [0:48] It is appalling to find out the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION union president continues to lie to the public on a daily basis about the lack of cooperation by PORTLAND POLICE personnel. If Portland does not stand up now, and if we as a city council don't hold our own, police accountable for this egregious behavior, we will be we will go down in history as having failed in our obligation to protect community members. I still have the question, why was PORTLAND POLICE not protecting portlanders, when these federal goons came in and started attacking us? Rather than joining the federal goons who were attacking peaceful protesters.
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  [5:01:47 PM] [0:13] Kellee: in fact, she's quoted in marie claire saying she believes PORTLAND POLICE officers are actually the ones setting the fires in Portland. Today turner responded, saying, quote politicians bent on power per perch wait can misinformation and untruths are
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 Nielsen Audience:  72,990     Ad Value:  $500     Calc Ad Value:  $1,583   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,750     Runtime:  1:35     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KATU News at 5 Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:13:25 PM] [0:20] Deb: this just in, PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL is responding to statements made by city commissioner joann hardesty today. He says commissioner hardesty's statement that police officers would commit the crime of arson in order to precipitate their violation of people's civil rights strains cre dealt. I'm interested in seeing what evidence she has to support her accusations.
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 Nielsen Audience:  72,990     Ad Value:  $500     Calc Ad Value:  $333   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,000     Runtime:  0:20     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 News at 6 Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [5:59:57 PM] [0:10]  I have no reservations about directing the PORTLAND POLICE bureau to continue to reject any or all requests for support from these federal interlopers.
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  [6:00:10 PM] [0:13]  Deb: do not work with the feds. Mayor Ted wheeler, the Portland city council passing a resolution today to prevent PORTLAND POLICE from cooperating with federal officers. Good evening, thanks for joining us for katu news at 6:00, I'm debora knapp.
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  [6:01:07 PM] [0:44]  Now, again, at the center of those city council meetings is the continued unrest as well as the federal officers. A resolution was passed today, that essentially would forbid PORTLAND POLICE officers from working with federal officers in any way. There are limitations when it comes to what Portland city council can do in regard to the federal officers now in Portland, night after night. So today the council unanimously agreed to limit the ability of PORTLAND POLICE to be able to help and interact with federal officers. During council discussion, the mayor, after being called out by commissioner hardesty for inviting the federal officers to the city, took a moment to address the troops in the city.
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  [6:04:26 PM] [0:43]  Steve: also, commissioner joann hardesty drawing sharp responses tonight after accusing law enforcement of some of the crimes downtown, including setting fires. PORTLAND POLICE bureau CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL tweeting a statement saying in part, "I am interested in seeing what evidence she has to support her accusations, I'm disappointed an elected official would make a statement like this without providing specific facts to support it. This allegation is completely false. Hardesty is quoted in marie claire saying she believes PORTLAND POLICE officers are, quote, lying about the damage or starting the fires themselves to justify their actions against protesters. She also took aim at the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION president daryl turner during today's city council meeting.
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 Nielsen Audience:  85,073     Ad Value:  $500     Calc Ad Value:  $1,833   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $5,500     Runtime:  1:50     
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 KATU-ABC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 News at 6 Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [6:05:02 PM] [0:11] It is appalling to find out that the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION union president continues to lie to the public on a daily basis about the lack of cooperation by PORTLAND POLICE personnel.
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  [6:06:54 PM] [0:17] Kellee: there are limitations when it comes to what Portland city council can do in regard to the federal officers now in Portland, night after night. So today the council unanimously agreed to limit the ability of PORTLAND POLICE to be able to help and interact with federal officers. During council discussion, the
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 Nielsen Audience:  85,073     Ad Value:  $500     Calc Ad Value:  $467   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,400     Runtime:  0:28     
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 KATU-TV [ABC 2]  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Protesters try breaking into federal courthouse; federal officers respond with m Jul 22 2020 02:20PM PT 
  Protesters try breaking into federal courthouse; federal officers respond with munitions PORTLAND, Ore. Demonstrators in downtown Portland tried breaking into the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau's Central Precinct and the federal courthouse late Tuesday night, police said. According to PORTLAND POLICE Bureau, demonstrators gathered at Revolution Hall, City Hall, and Lownsdale and Chapman squares Tuesday night before converging on Southwest 3rd Avenue outside the Justice Center and Federal Courthouse. Police said they blocked the street, danced, and made speeches. At around 10:40 p.m., demonstrators began kicking the front doors of the central precinct, police said. Shortly after that, other people started kicking and pounding on the plywood attached to the glass doors on the west side of the federal courthouse. Police said they were using hammers, crowbars, and other tools to try and pry the plywood open. Shortly after 11 p.m., the group managed to breech the west side doors. This prompted federal officers to use crowd control munitions against the crowd to disperse them. However, PORTLAND POLICE said the group returned to Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street and ran at the portico on the west side of the federal courthouse. At around 11:30 p.m., federal officers dispersed the crowd again. At around 12:30 a.m., the group gathered again on the west side of the courthouse and set fire to the doors on the PORTICO, POLICE said. For a third time, federal officers came out of the building and dispersed the crowd. Police said at one point, the group used fences and road barricades as a shield to move toward the courthouse and began stacking the pieces near the building. At around 1 a.m., police said some people opened a fire hydrant at Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street and added soap to the water. Other people set several small fires and others vandalized and spray painted city, federal, and private property, police said. One of the fires was lit outside a federal courthouse door. At 1:45 a.m., federal officers again used munitions to disperse the crowd from the building. At this time, demonstrators started a large fire in the middle of Lownsdale Square Park. After this, the crowd slowly started to leave the area. PORTLAND POLICE said they were not present during the protest and did not engage with demonstrators. They did not use CS gas and did not make arrests. Author: Katu Staff
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 Unique Visitors:  445,912     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $949   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,847     
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 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Morning Update Jul 22 2020 06:30AM PT 
  [6:34:41 AM] [0:26]  Crowd control munitions to break up the crowd but they remain in the area for the next several hours many fires. Were set and city federal and private buildings revitalized PORTLAND POLICE say they were involved in any of the activities we. Made no arrests : security is not said whether they made any arrests Oregon is two hundred ninety nine cases of. Covert nineteen and seventy dollars two hundred sixty nine people died from coronavirus related causes since the pandemic began and the.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  5,700     Ad Value:  $87     Calc Ad Value:  $75   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $226     Runtime:  0:26     
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 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Morning Update Jul 22 2020 08:00AM PT 
  [8:03:48 AM] [0:28]  Other tools to remove plywood from the building to reach the doors many fires were set in city federal and private. Buildings were vandalized PORTLAND POLICE say they were involved in any of the activities and they made the arrest Oregon Senator. Ron white is criticizing president trump are bringing paramilitary federal agents to Portland for protection of federal buildings they take people. A day hold and interrogate without justification and ultimately without charges acting secretary of Homeland Security travel says they support the.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,900     Ad Value:  $60     Calc Ad Value:  $56   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $168     Runtime:  0:28     
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 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon Updates Jul 22 2020 02:30PM PT 
  [2:35:59 PM] [0:28]  Other uses for munitions that is break up the crowd at the crab remain in the area next several hours many. Fires were set in city : private buildings were vandalized according to PORTLAND POLICE police say they were not involved in. The activities they made no arrests Homeland Security is not said whether they made any arrests in a lawsuit filed against. The federal government over the rest of people by federal agents in unmarked uniforms in unmarked cars in Portland mark pettibone.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  2,300     Ad Value:  $35     Calc Ad Value:  $33   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $98     Runtime:  0:28     
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 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Mark & Dave Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:04:13 PM] [0:30] Agents who are working out of the us courthouse downtown details from eleven ninety kex is Brad Ford port city commissioner joanne. Hardisty says federal agents are acting as the presidents own military force and PORTLAND POLICE are lying about their involvement in. Calling seeing what has happened in the city over the last we all mayor Ted ritter says he is deeply disturbed. By the federal agents action zero nine there will there and refused to leave the resolutions for have reported police from.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  5,900     Ad Value:  $90     Calc Ad Value:  $90   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $270     Runtime:  0:30     
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 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Daily Wrap Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [6:04:56 PM] [0:31]  The violent demonstrations were winding down until federal agents started attacking the crowds he predicts they won't end until the feds. Leave the while PORTLAND POLICE can no longer work with federal authorities when they're conducting crowd control operations city council passed. Two resolutions today are wheeler says the federal agents are out of control the church 's corner no nation whatsoever here to. Work on policies for us justice on the green police are prohibited from working or communicating with federal agents and operational.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  5,400     Ad Value:  $83     Calc Ad Value:  $86   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $257     Runtime:  0:31     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 5AM Jul 22 2020 05:30AM PT 
  [5:32:28 AM] [0:23] We saw federal agents make some arrests but PORTLAND POLICE say for their part, they did not engage with the protests at all and they didn't make any arrests. This morning, we are hearing from the doctor who teaches at ohs you. Bryant shared these pictures on twitter think he has been hit twice during downtown protests.
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  [5:33:03 AM] [0:22]  I have seen civil disobedience and acts of mild civil unrest but to the escalations that we have seen on a nightly basis and the unprovoked attack from PORTLAND POLICE bureau and the new federal agents who were not identified on the streets are far in excess of these small civil disobedient. Acts.
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 Nielsen Audience:  12,934     Ad Value:  $130     Calc Ad Value:  $195   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $585     Runtime:  0:45     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KGW News at Noon Jul 22 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:04:48 PM] [0:13]  It is a cycle that repeated itself throughout the night with protesters regrouping and federal agents using chemical munitions until the crowd thinned out at 3 am. On social media, we were monitoring that and we did see federal agents make arrests. But PORTLAND POLICE say that they did not engage with the protests at all and they did not make any respite.
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 Nielsen Audience:  38,035     Ad Value:  $180     Calc Ad Value:  $78   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $234     Runtime:  0:13     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KGW News at 5PM Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:03:22 PM] [0:09] Commissioner hardesty slammed the PORTLAND POLICE today at a meeting as the commissioners approve add resolution to immediately cease cooperation between PORTLAND POLICE and federal officers.
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  [5:04:09 PM] [1:07]  That's not the only comment getting lot of attention. She said I believe PORTLAND POLICE bureau is lying about the damage or starting the fires themselves so they have justification for attacking community members. The PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION responded to that on facebook. President daryl turner says with statements like this it's become completely clear that the commissioner is part of the problem in Portland. Every one of the many videos we've seen confirms that the small groups of rioters are starting the fires. I've invited elected officials to stand with our officers during protests. The commissionering nor any other has accepted the invitation. PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF lavell responded writing commissioner hardesty's statement that the police officers would commit the crime of arson strains [inaudible I'm interested in seeing what evidence she has.
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 Nielsen Audience:  62,085     Ad Value:  $775     Calc Ad Value:  $1,963   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $5,890     Runtime:  1:16     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KGW News at 6PM Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [6:05:05 PM] [0:30]  With that, that takes us to our big story, which is all about police accountability. It kind of boils down to a simple question, what happens when PORTLAND POLICE officers are accused of misconduct? What we can tell you is the people charged, in charge of vetting those claims are busier than ever here they are dealing with years worth of work. They also told maggie vespa, you will probably did be disappointed if you actually wanted to know the results.
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  [6:06:02 PM] [1:10]  This video basically got a lot of attention on mine and we promised we would stay on it. I will show you the video to refresh everybody's memory. This is a view from Scott 8 and it shows a PORTLAND POLICE bureau SUV accelerating into an intersection where protesters were moving barricades around. You can see the protesters had to get out of the way pretty quickly. In the days after this happened, then police chief Jamie rush, who has since stepped down, promised an investigation into this. That then catapulted that video over to Portman's independent police review, which exists under the umbrella of the city auditor's office. Separate from the mayor's office and police bureau. We got an update on this investigation. The update is rather minimal. The director told us that quote, they are very aware of that video. They have identified the PORTLAND POLICE officer who was driving that SUV. He said they have not heard from anyone who was in the intersection that night in that video and they would still very much like to. They also said this investigation could go on a while longer because a lot of times these cases take months.
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  [6:07:04 PM] [0:13]  I want to point out we reached out to the PORTLAND POLICE bureau about our entire story tonight and about that video and the investigation into it, and particularly, I asked if that officer is still working while that investigation is still going on and working at protests. We have not yet heard back from the bureau. We will let everybody know if and when we do.
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  [6:07:33 PM] [0:20]  We did. I pr is investing anymore misconduct claims against PORTLAND POLICE than they ever have. Caldwell, given that, wanted people to understand more about why they rarely hear the outcomes of these investigations. That in the past has been a big criticism of ipr, of the police bureau and frankly of the city in general.
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  [6:08:41 PM] [1:04] Reporter: caldwell says simply put, there are legal, tangible barriers in place that keep the public from knowing when a PORTLAND POLICE officer has been disciplined. He pointed to two state statues in particular that say these findings don't have to be released under public records laws, except for in certain cases, including when the public interest requires disclosure. You would think that exception would be enough for a lot of these cases to be believed. Caldwell says that phrase is so vague that it is interpreted a number of ways by attorneys and judges, as a result, it is often not strong enough to stand up to a second barrier. That is the current PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION contract. In the section pertaining to discipline, the contract reads quote, if the city has reason to reprimand or discipline an officer, it shall be done in a manner that is least likely to embarrass the officer before other officers or the public. Caldwell says in his experience, that clause has been enough to keep disciplinary decisions ultimately made by the police chief and police commissioner, a.k.
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 Nielsen Audience:  62,723     Ad Value:  $700     Calc Ad Value:  $4,597   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $13,790     Runtime:  3:17     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KGW News at 6PM Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [6:10:30 PM] [0:43]  If and when that happens, an officer's name and details surrounding that they go into a newly public state database. We have info for the database online. We reached out to the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION and the mayor's office about this story, both the client to comment on the story at this time. Remember, this PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION labor agreement, this union contract was just up for renegotiation and basically the city and the union agreed to kick the can down the road until next summer, extended for you one year. This language, although language in that labor agreement has been reviewed recently. We are waiting to hear from officials about this, we just basically have not yet.
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 Nielsen Audience:  62,723     Ad Value:  $700     Calc Ad Value:  $1,003   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $3,010     Runtime:  0:43     
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 KGW-NBC  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KGW News at 11PM Jul 22 2020 11:00PM PT 
  [11:03:12 PM] [0:56] And tonight the Portland city commissioner is apologizing over controversial comments you made slamming the police bureau and the protest response. She told marie claire magazine "I believe the PORTLAND POLICE bureau is lying about the damage or starting the fires themselves so they have justification for attacking community members. She also said this at city council today, "I want to make sure it is on the record, there are no riots, there are not people tearing things up downtown Portland, the literal acts of resistance should never be responded to with excessive force we see every night on our street. I am just appalled at the police bureau we have today and hopefully I will be able to manage the police bureau so we have a better police bureau tomorrow.
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  [11:03:58 PM] [0:33] The accusations quickly drew criticism from the PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF and the association president, hardesty apologized this evening saying "today I let my emotions get the most of me during counsel and the comments I made to the press. But I'm angry, frustrated and horrified over what has happened the last 50 days. I appreciate the reminder that as a public servant I need to be careful making statements out of misinformation and I take this to heart.
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 Nielsen Audience:  36,512     Ad Value:  $685     Calc Ad Value:  $2,032   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $6,096     Runtime:  1:29     
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 KGW-TV [NBC 8]  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Who do you believe? Federal officers or Portland protesters? Jul 22 2020 02:10AM PT 
  with an unlawful assembly. Hundreds of people showed up early, including a group of moms and a group of dads. But according to PORTLAND POLICE things went downhill around 12:30 a.m. when demonstrators started trying to break in to the federal courthouse, which eventually brought federal agents out from the inside. One dramatic moment was caught on video as a federal officer tried to take someone into custody and a group of five or six people from the crowd threw the officer back. As another officer came to help you can see in an Associated Press photo the right hand is on the officer's gun.
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  Wolf is a doctor and works as a professor at OHSU, and he has spent many nights on the front lines of the protest. He believes it's the federal agents who are out of control. "I have seen civil disobedience and mild acts of civil unrest,"Dr. Wolf said."But the escalations that we have seen on a nightly basis and the unprovoked attacks from PORTLAND POLICE bureau and new federal agents who are not identified on the streets are far in excess of these small civil. disobedient acts." Oregon State Representative Janelle Bynum agrees with the assessment that federal officers are escalating the tensions, rather then quelling them. "Some people just don't believe that fat is greasy.
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 Unique Visitors:  500,296     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $967   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,901     
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 KGW-TV [NBC 8]  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to attend Wednesday night protest Jul 22 2020 08:17PM PT 
  Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to attend Wednesday night protest An editorial in the Portland Tribune earlier this week said local civic leaders need to attend protests and speak with demonstrators PORTLAND, Ore. Mayor Ted Wheeler plans to stand on a downtown Portland street corner Wednesday night to talk with protesters and try to break the stalemate between demonstrators and police that has stretched on for nearly eight weeks. Wheeler plans to meet with protesters at the corner of SW 3rd and Morrison near the Multnomah County Justice Center at 9 p.m. The Justice Center and the federal courthouse one block to the north have both been hot spots for violent clashes between protesters, PORTLAND POLICE and federal officers. Wheeler's planned visit comes on the heels of an editorial published Sunday in the Portland Tribune asking the mayor to do just this. The editorial, "Portland's leaders - it is time - it is well past time - to lead," called on Wheeler and other civic leaders to step up and break the cycle of nightly violence and clashes. The authors implored Wheeler, Police CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL and police union leader Daryl Turner to get into the streets and listen. "You need to talk to that group. You need to listen a lot. To shut up a lot. To let that crowd speak its truth. Then, and only then, will you be able to take the reins of this fight back from the motley few, the pernicious advocates of mischief, who see Portland's nightly riots as a heck of a good time," the editorial said. It's unclear if Lovell, Turner or any other elected officials will join Wheeler. Wheeler last attended a protest on June 5, about a week after widespread protests started in Portland following the death of George Floyd. At the time, he promised the crowd he would limit the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau's use of tear gas, a move he later made official. RELATED: Timeline: Unlawful assembly declared, police use smoke and gas to disperse Portland protesters Other elected leaders have more recently visited the Justice Center during protests. City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty led a vigil there on Friday night, and Multnomah County Commissioner Sharon Meieran said she was hit with tear-gas on Saturday while standing on the periphery of a crowd gathered outside the federal courthouse.
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 Unique Visitors:  500,296     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $967   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,901     
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 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 5AM Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT 
  [5:02:34 AM] [0:11]  PORTLAND POLICE say at one point overnight. The crowd set up fencing and road barricades outside of the west entrance to the courthouse. We're told that throughout the night federal agents kept trying to disperse the crowd.
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  [5:03:56 AM] [0:27] The for the federal forces arrived blazek said protesters were any early stages of starting dialogue with PORTLAND POLICE officers. He says these are important conversations about institutional racism and creating a fair and just society, however he says this all gets lost in the clouds of tear gas and even though these protests have appeared to have gone in a different direction. But it says that that doesn't mean that they can't go back on that path towards de escalation.
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 Nielsen Audience:  6,950     Ad Value:  $25     Calc Ad Value:  $32   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $95     Runtime:  0:38     
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 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 5AM Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT 
  [5:07:39 AM] [0:16] A PORTLAND POLICE are not releasing any details about the crash but say they are investigating it. A go fund me page has been started to help with medical expenses if you want to contribute we've posted a link on koin dot com new this morning, 2 young children are in the hospital after falling from a second-story window.
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 Nielsen Audience:  6,950     Ad Value:  $25     Calc Ad Value:  $13   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $40     Runtime:  0:16     
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 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at Noon Jul 22 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:03:16 PM] [0:42]  PORTLAND POLICE arrested a man who was reportedly seen carrying a gun on a bus and pointing at the driver on Monday night. The suspect identified as 31 year-old jaunty brister officers later found out he was carrying a realistic looking BB gun and they also learned that bristol was a suspect in a robbery that happened at the Lloyd center macy's earlier in the day brister is facing charges including robbery interfering. With public transportation menacing and disorderly conduct.
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  [12:05:04 PM] [0:21]  We witnessed officers arrest a woman as she and other protesters shouted at law enforcement we're working to learn more about this situation. Now this is the same exact area of confrontation where PORTLAND POLICE say some protesters were able to break through the doors at the federal courthouse. Elise haas breaks down the timeline of what happened overnight and what's happening now.
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  [12:06:56 PM] [0:10]  PORTLAND POLICE say federal agents kept dispersing the crowd as much as possible. PORTLAND POLICE added they were not present during any of the protests in downtown Portland. Elise haas koin 6 news.
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 Nielsen Audience:  30,163     Ad Value:  $175     Calc Ad Value:  $426   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,277     Runtime:  1:13     
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 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 6PM Jul 22 2020 06:00PM PT 
  [5:59:34 PM] [0:14] And we are following breaking news at 6 o'clock is PORTLAND POLICE and the PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF respond to comments from Portland city commissioner, jo Ann hardesty it is 6 o'clock good evening, everyone, I'm Jeff gianola I'm emily burris now this afternoon the PORTLAND POLICE UNION released. A statement.
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  [5:59:51 PM] [0:16] Following comments they say commissioner hardesty may wear she said she believes that PORTLAND POLICE may be lying about protester damage in the city or even possibly setting fires themselves so tonight response from both the union and Portland's chief of police union president daryl turner saying quote.
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  [6:00:15 PM] [0:24]  With statements like this. It has become completely clear the commissioner hardesty is part of the problem in Portland. Politicians bent on power perpetuating misinformation and untruths are just as guilty of using their privilege to hijack this movement as the rioters who are committing violent acts burning and looting and this from police CHIEF CHUCK lavelle commissioner, hardest you statement he says.
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 Nielsen Audience:  53,286     Ad Value:  $400     Calc Ad Value:  $720   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,160     Runtime:  0:54     
Media Type Icon
 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 11PM Jul 22 2020 11:00PM PT 
  [11:03:57 PM] [0:21] After she told a National magazine that PORTLAND POLICE officers are secretly setting fires at protest. At a city council meeting today commissioner hardesty said the PORTLAND POLICE UNION president lies on a daily basis and said PORTLAND POLICE are to blame for federal officers coming to town. Jenny young white tonight to break it all down for us jenny, I know the commissioner issued an apology this afternoon.
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  [11:04:27 PM] [0:21] Well we're still waiting for a statement from mayor Ted wheeler's office I did emailed in and they said they would get us a statement as soon as possible and as far as the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION. They have released a statement today and in part they said that they had asked. City leaders to come down and stand with them at these protests on the front lines with police said.
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  [11:04:58 PM] [1:06]  Want to make sure it's part of wreck it. I know why it's there or not people tearing things that that's Portland city commissioner jo Ann hardesty speaking at a virtual city council meeting Wednesday, the same day marie claire magazine published an interview with hardest-hit where she said she believes PORTLAND POLICE are disguising themselves among protesters. And doing quote disruptive stuff, including lighting fires are koin 6 news team has seen countless fires at protests and riots during the last 2 months a video taken Tuesday shows a person spraying accelerant and then lighting boards on fire against a section of the graffiti ravaged federal courthouse cell phone. Video I took last month shows this group dressed in all black trying to lock the downtown police precinct from the outside PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION president daryl turner responded to the magazine article calling hardest these accusations outlandish in a statement, he said in part this is just one more example of. Commissioner hardesty puttingHer personal political agenda ahead of the best interest of the citizens of Portland.
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  [11:06:34 PM] [0:58] Hardesty has also said that she wants control of the PORTLAND POLICE bureau in fact she says that a few days ago and she said it again today now she has been down of those protests and we know where we was down there tonight. But is already ceded released an apology issued statement today an apology only reason that to you she said I appreciate the reminder that as a public servant I need to be careful making statements out of misinformation and I take this to heart but I hope there is something that the. PORTLAND POLICE bureau will also remember is they are out nightly as they put out nightly statements regarding the protests. There can conduct and their involvement with federal officers reporting live tonight, jenny young koin 6 news all right jenny will continue to follow that story the ACLU of Oregon filing a lawsuit against federal forces and the city of PORTLAND.
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 Nielsen Audience:  35,097     Ad Value:  $425     Calc Ad Value:  $2,352   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $7,055     Runtime:  2:46     
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 KOIN-CBS  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 11PM Jul 22 2020 11:00PM PT 
  [11:30:12 PM] [0:55] Well yeah that was a huge fire to it is out now because federal officials moved in to put it out you can see there's a lot of people there are thousands have packed the places around the federal courthouse building including level seal square and Chapman square and the justice. Center and people were throwing what PORTLAND POLICE described as incendiary devices and flares over the fencing around the federal courthouse the flames were heading into the night sky of people were throwing objects over the fence to feed the fire that is until we heard an announcement from federal officials and. They came out and avoid some cs gas as far as we can tell we could smell it I was heavy in the air for a minute now we are a little bit away from it so we did get a full dose of and that we did smell gas people fell. Back for a little bit but that they have moved in and that fire was put out we see lots of fireworks out here we've seen fire.
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 Nielsen Audience:  35,097     Ad Value:  $425     Calc Ad Value:  $779   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,338     Runtime:  0:55     
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 KOIN-TV [CBS 6]  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Feds 'changed tenor of protests' with 'threat of facism' Jul 22 2020 04:42AM PT 
  "There's now this huge melange of anti-government protesters that are focusing in downtown Portland," he said. "If the president's intention was to quell the protesters, to shut it down, it's had the exact opposite effect." Related Content The presence of federal officers at ongoing demonstrations in downtown Portland has sparked outrage from local and state leaders. Federal authorities have used tear gas on protesters repeatedly and are not held to the same use of force restrictions as PORTLAND POLICE Bureau officers, who are under a temporary restraining order that limits the use of tear gas. A man was seriously injured at a July 12 demonstration outside the federal courthouse when he was struck in the head with a crowd control munition that was fired by a federal officer. Blazak believes PORTLAND POLICE and protesters were in the early stages of starting an important dialogue. "We were on that path and we were derailed from that path when the feds showed up to make things more intense. It was like throwing gas on the fire when it was starting to simmer a little bit and it's taken us a completely different direction but it doesn't mean we can't go back to the path of de-escalation," Blazak said.
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 Unique Visitors:  263,831     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $575   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,725     
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 KPDX-MNT  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 FOX 12 8 OClock News on PDX-TV Jul 22 2020 08:00PM PT 
  [8:01:08 PM] [0:22]  We expect him to be speaking but we don't know what his message will be or how protesters will respond to him, you'll remember that mayor wheeler has repeatedly said that federal officers aren't wanted here and that he believes they are just making things worse, the city has also recently. Ordered PORTLAND POLICE to stop coordinating with federal officers. We'll be here throughout the night and bring you updates as we get them.
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  [8:03:02 PM] [1:08] Fox 12's Sarah hurwitz takes a look at how this played out and how PORTLAND POLICE responded to commissioner hardesty's initial claims. Live: commissioner jo Ann hardesty said PORTLAND POLICE have consistently lied to the public, lied to our congressional delegation about whether or not they were coordinating activities with federal law enforcement. As you saw there last night we also know federal officers fired tear gas into the crowd at protesters say police also fired rubber bullets. We know that federal officers arrested 42 people, 26 are facing federal charges some of whom were charged with assaulting a federal officer. Commissioner jo Ann hardesty is denouncing the presence of federal law enforcement in Portland and she believes the problem in Portland during the protests started with excessive force by PORTLAND POLICE.
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  [8:04:33 PM] [1:02]  I absolutely believe that it is police action and they sending saboteurs and provocateurs into peaceful crowds so that they can justify their inhumane treatment of people who are standing up for their right. )PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL had this to say: gfx: "the commissioner's statement that police officers would commit the crime of arson in order to precipitate their violation of people's civil rights strains credulity. I am interested in seeing what evidence she has to support her accusations. I'm disappointed that an elected official would make a statement like this without providing specific facts to support it. This allegation is completely false. The PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION had a strong response to hardesty's comments. President daryl turner released this statement saying: gfx: with statements like this, it has become completely clear that commissioner hardesty is part of the problem in Portland. Every one of the many videos we have seen confirms that small groups of rioters are starting the fires and trying to burn down buildings.
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 Nielsen Audience:  21,406     Ad Value:  $300     Calc Ad Value:  $1,520   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,560     Runtime:  2:32     
Media Type Icon
 KPDX-MNT  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 FOX 12 9 OClock News on PDX-TV Jul 22 2020 08:57PM PT 
  [9:01:08 PM] [0:18]  Now, she's apologizing, saying the claim was "unfounded"Part of her new statement reads: "using unfounded claims and misinformation is something no one in any position of power fox 12's Sarah hurwitz takes a look at how this played out and how PORTLAND POLICE responded to commissioner hardesty's initial claims.
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  [9:02:08 PM] [0:04] Live: commissioner jo Ann hardesty said PORTLAND POLICE have consistently lied to the public, lied to our congressional delegation about whether or not they were coordinating activities with federal law enforcement.
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  [9:02:17 PM] [1:21]  As you saw there last night we also know federal officers fired tear gas into the crowd at protesters say police also fired rubber bullets. We know that federal officers arrested 42 people, 26 are facing federal charges some of whom were charged with assaulting a federal officer. Commissioner jo Ann hardesty is denouncing the presence of federal law enforcement in Portland and she believes the problem in Portland during the protests started with excessive force by PORTLAND POLICE. SOT 11:33:24:22 (jo Ann hardesty/Portland city commissioner: they absolutely are targeting places where the community is demanding reform and demanding that we disarm, defund and totally change how policing works in America. Stitch*SOT 11:35:14 (jo Ann hardesty/Portland city commissioner: I want people to know I do not believe that there are any protesters in Portland that are starting fires, that are creating chaos. I absolutely believe that it is police action and they sending saboteurs and provocateurs into peaceful crowds so that they can justify their inhumane treatment of people who are standing up for their right. )PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL had this to say: gfx: "the commissioner's statement that police officers would commit the crime of arson in order to precipitate their violation of people's civil rights strains credulity. I am interested in seeing what evidence she has to support her accusations. I'm disappointed that an elected official would make a statement like this without providing specific facts to support it. This allegation is completely false. The PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION had a strong response to hardesty's comments. President daryl turner released this statement saying: gfx: with statements like this, it has become completely clear that commissioner hardesty is part of the problem in Portland. Every one of the many videos we have seen confirms that small groups of rioters are starting the fires and trying to burn down buildings.
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 Nielsen Audience:  20,206     Ad Value:  $300     Calc Ad Value:  $1,030   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $3,090     Runtime:  1:43     
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 KPDX-MNT  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 FOX 12 9 OClock News on PDX-TV Jul 22 2020 08:57PM PT 
  [9:14:56 PM] [0:32]  This is a live look from air 12 right now we have a crew on the ground as well we'll keep you posted right here, on the fox 12 app and at k-ptv dot com. PORTLAND POLICE arrested a man after a *wild assault caught on camera. This video is from last Friday, you see a man walking with a handsaw, he goes into a laundromat off Northeast weidler, and hits a woman with the saw, she tries to go around the corner, then he hits her and you see the people outside scrambling to get away. Police identified the suspect as shane green.
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 Nielsen Audience:  20,206     Ad Value:  $300     Calc Ad Value:  $320   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $960     Runtime:  0:32     
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 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Good Day Oregon 4:30 Jul 22 2020 04:30AM PT 
  [4:32:06 AM] [0:15]  The situation ramped up as the night continued. PORTLAND POLICE say a group dragged a fence to the side of the courthouse, while people kicked and pounded on the plywood on the building. New video shows the moment one board came down. (Nats boom, "yeah!
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 Nielsen Audience:  11,370     Ad Value:  $265     Calc Ad Value:  $132   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $398     Runtime:  0:15     
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 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Good Day Oregon 5 Jul 22 2020 05:00AM PT 
  [5:02:53 AM] [0:15]  That video shows federal officers firing crowd control weapons outside the federal courthouse last night. The situation PORTLAND POLICE say a group dragged a fence to the side of the courthouse, while people kicked and pounded
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 Nielsen Audience:  14,584     Ad Value:  $500     Calc Ad Value:  $250   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $750     Runtime:  0:15     
Media Type Icon
 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 12 OClock News Jul 22 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:05:40 PM] [0:25]  I wasn't a protester, I'm going to make sure I stick this out. I'm not giving up so they just more people join in. Reporter: PORTLAND POLICE made mow arrests last night and did not engage with the protesters. In downtown Portland, Marilyn deutsch, fox 12 Oregon. Stephanie: the current sheriff of multnomah county has a unique perspective about the protest.
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 Nielsen Audience:  24,194     Ad Value:  $400     Calc Ad Value:  $333   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,000     Runtime:  0:25     
Media Type Icon
 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 12 OClock News Jul 22 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:31:07 PM] [0:11]  Federal officers used tear gas overnight. Federal agents also fired rubber bullets at them. PORTLAND POLICE made no arrests last night and did not engage with protesters.
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 Nielsen Audience:  24,194     Ad Value:  $400     Calc Ad Value:  $147   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $440     Runtime:  0:11     
Media Type Icon
 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 5 Oclock News Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:07:14 PM] [0:56]  PORTLAND POLICE have consistently lied to the public and lied to our congressional delegation about whether they are coordinating activities with federal law enforcement. Protestors say that police also fired rubber bullets. We know that federal officers arrested 42 people, 26 are facing federal charges. Some of whom were charmed with assault a federal officer. Commissioner joanne hard is city is denouncing federal law enforcement and she believes the problem in Portland during these protests all started with excessive force by PORTLAND
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  [5:09:16 PM] [0:19]  This allegation is completely false. The PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION also had a strong response to hardesty's comments. President daryl turner released this statement saying, with statements like this it has become completely commissioner that commissioner hardesty is part of the problem. Every one.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  34,967     Ad Value:  $750     Calc Ad Value:  $1,875   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $5,625     Runtime:  1:15     
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 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 10 oclock News Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:02:27 PM] [0:07] Will you admit to working towards abolishing the PORTLAND POLICE bureau? Yes or no?
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  [10:05:01 PM] [0:22] This video is from Tuesday morning. Federal officers used crowd control munitions to try to push hundreds of people back from the courthouse. PORTLAND POLICE say protestors tried to break into the building and used hammers and crowbars to break the plywood. There were several panels broken at city hall. We know that federal officers have arrested 42 people.
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  [10:07:07 PM] [0:23] The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshalls service, and the PORTLAND POLICE bureau claiming they attacked volunteer street medics helping injured people at protests. Our fox 12's drew marine spoke with the medics tonight about what they saw out there, about what they experienced. Drew?
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 Nielsen Audience:  62,432     Ad Value:  $750     Calc Ad Value:  $1,300   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $3,900     Runtime:  0:52     
Media Type Icon
 KPTV-FOX  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 10 oclock News Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:08:12 PM] [0:14] Reporter: this is the second lawsuit the ACLU has filed against the trump administration and PORTLAND POLICE. The ACLU and perkins filed a lawsuit on behalf of multiple volunteer medics who say they've been attacked while helping people at these proposes. Two of es protests.
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  [10:09:20 PM] [0:21]  Reporter: the lawyers representsing the medics say the mission is to ensure that the rights of volunteer medics and all protestors are protected. We reached out to the PORTLAND POLICE bureau and dhs for their comment but we've not heard back yet. Drew marine, fox 12 Oregon.
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 Nielsen Audience:  62,432     Ad Value:  $750     Calc Ad Value:  $875   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $2,625     Runtime:  0:35     
Media Type Icon
 KRCW-CW  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN AM Extra Jul 22 2020 06:58AM PT 
  [7:02:57 AM] [0:09] All right, thanks carly new overnight, PORTLAND POLICE say some protesters broke through doors at the federal courthouse. Officers tell us around 11 o'clock last night protesters use hammers crowbars and other tools.
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  [7:04:43 AM] [0:31]  Before the federal forces arrived blaze. IQ said that protesters were in the early stages, starting a dialogue with PORTLAND POLICE. He says that these are important conversations about institutional racism in creating the fair and just society that he says all of that gets lost in all the clouds of tear gas and even though these protests have appeared to start taking a different direction. Lasik says that that doesn't mean that they can't get back on that path toward conversation and de escalation.
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 Nielsen Audience:  2,000     Ad Value:  $46     Calc Ad Value:  $61   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $184     Runtime:  0:40     
Media Type Icon
 KRCW-CW  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN AM Extra Jul 22 2020 06:58AM PT 
  [7:26:19 AM] [0:21] Good morning, it's 7.26, I'm ken boddie. PORTLAND POLICE say some protesters were able to break through doors at the federal courthouse overnight. According to a new report just out this morning. Protesters started kicking and pounding on the federal courthouse around 11 o'clock last night, the report says the protesters use hammers crowbars and other tools to remove protective plywood.
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 Nielsen Audience:  2,000     Ad Value:  $46     Calc Ad Value:  $32   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $97     Runtime:  0:21     
Media Type Icon
 KRCW-CW  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 10PM Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:02:36 PM] [0:31] That you just yeah that's a good point you raise people packed in in this day and age of covid city commissioner jo Ann hardesty under fire tonight after she told a National magazine the PORTLAND POLICE officers are secretly setting fires at protests. Today the city council meeting hardesty said the PORTLAND POLICE UNION president weiss on a daily basis and she said, PORTLAND POLICE are to blame for federal officers coming to town. Jenny young live tonight to break it all down for us. Jenny the mayor issued or rather the commissioner issued an apology.
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  [10:03:15 PM] [0:22] All right so I have not received a statement from mayor Ted wheeler's office about this we have reached out and they said they get a statement to us but the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION president releases statement about this today and he said you know, he is invited elected officials to. Come down downtown to stand with officers on the frontline at these protests and he said neither hardesty or any other city commissioner has come down to join them.
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  [10:03:42 PM] [0:41]  I want to make sure its partner bracket. There I know why it's there or not people tearing things that that's Portland city commissioner jo Ann hardesty speaking at a virtual city council meeting Wednesday, the same day marie claire magazine published an interview with hardest-hit where she said she believes PORTLAND POLICE are disguising themselves among. Protesters and doing quote disruptive stuff, including lighting fires are koin 6 news team has seen countless fires at protests and riots during the last 2 months a video taken Tuesday shows a person spraying accelerant and then lighting boards on fire against a section of the graffiti ravaged federal courthouse cell. Phone video I took last month shows this group dressed in all black trying to lock the downtown police precinct from the outside PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION president daryl turner responded to the magazine article calling hardest these accusations outlandish in a statement, he said in part this is just one more example. Of commissioner hardesty puttingHer personal political agenda ahead of the best interest of the citizens of Portland.
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  [10:05:36 PM] [0:26]  I hope this is something PORTLAND POLICE bureau will also remember as they put out nightly statements regarding the protests. Their conduct and their involvement with federal officers of course, Jeff we'll continue to bring you guys updates from downtown from those protests. Reporting live tonight, jenny young koin 6 news, yeah, the tensions continue on the protests front lines and behind the scenes and tonight, the ACLU of Oregon.
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 Nielsen Audience:  11,622     Ad Value:  $350     Calc Ad Value:  $1,400   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,200     Runtime:  2:00     
Media Type Icon
 KRCW-CW  Television   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 KOIN 6 News at 10PM Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:34:14 PM] [0:15]  PORTLAND POLICE sharing some frightening video of a random attack in Northeast Portland last Friday watch this officers say the video shows the attacker entering a laundromat on Northeast weidler and using a hand saw to strike out of 2 women once he's inside hitting one several times.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  11,622     Ad Value:  $350     Calc Ad Value:  $175   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $525     Runtime:  0:15     
Media Type Icon
 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland's Morning News Jul 22 2020 05:30AM PT 
  [5:33:30 AM] [0:29]  And federal officers started using teargas and flash bangs to disperse the crowd just before one that that's declared an unlawful. Assembly PORTLAND POLICE say some groups try to breaking the federal courthouse with fires and vandalized property downtown they also say. One group opened a fire hydrant at third avenue and Taylor street adding soap and causing a hazard and that he. Will then use one oh one two Oregon senators want to block president trump from deploying federal police to American cities.
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  [5:35:02 AM] [0:33]  Aggressive stance to help quell the violence or third arises where we can reach it with federal authority or in partnership. With local and state authorities have a violence this week has included a fire which was set at the PORTLAND POLICE. ASSOCIATION and the local jewelry store was broken into and is now five thirty four there are twenty three cases of. Colmy nineteen linked to a WalMart distribution center in umatilla county officials there are working to address the outbreak and protect. The health of workers two hundred ninety nine you confirm the presumed cases and else to buy the or health authority.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  16,600     Ad Value:  $255     Calc Ad Value:  $527   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,581     Runtime:  1:02     
Media Type Icon
 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland's Morning News Jul 22 2020 07:30AM PT 
  [7:34:04 AM] [0:27]  But on top of that if you want worse but probably you should not buy. The PORTLAND POLICE say they did not make any arrests after some groups tried to break into the federal courthouse fires. And vandalize property downtown that knew all news one oh one two Oregon senators want to block president trump from deploying. Federal police to American cities that are under protest excels at Jeremy Scott listens into their comments on the senate floor.
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  [7:35:35 AM] [0:29]  It with federal authority or in partnership with local and state authorities other violence this week is included a fire which. Was set at the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION in a local jewelry store was broken into seven thirty four is the time. The anti-defamation league is reporting a number of a record number that is of anti- somatic incidences in the United States last year. Some the latest high profile incidents include Nick cannon or NFL wide receiver deshawn Jackson Jackson has apologized for making those.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  16,000     Ad Value:  $246     Calc Ad Value:  $459   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,378     Runtime:  0:56     
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 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Morning News Updates Jul 22 2020 09:00AM PT 
  [9:12:27 AM] [0:31] And yet there was another what peaceful protest in Portland and another night of peaceful protesting in downtown Portland were demonstrators. Protesters right just peaceful protesters were very peacefully trying to break into the PORTLAND POLICE bureau central precinct and the federal. Courthouse � hold on a second I know you're about to blow here I am I realized seriously I am I. Can't do this anymore just the fact that was still calling it peacefully time for all the stuff yes lighting at.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  11,800     Ad Value:  $181     Calc Ad Value:  $187   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $561     Runtime:  0:31     
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 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Morning News Updates Jul 22 2020 11:00AM PT 
  [11:06:01 AM] [0:30]  Gathering again at salmon street springs park please in the protest got rowdy just after eleven and federal officers started using. Teargas and flash bangs to disperse the crowd just before one that that's declared in an unlawful assembly PORTLAND POLICE a. Thumb ghostwriter breaking the federal courthouse lit fires and vandalized property downtown they also say one group opened a fire hydrant. And third avenue and Taylor street adding soap and causing a hazard and that new ofm news one oh one eleven.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  10,400     Ad Value:  $160     Calc Ad Value:  $160   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $480     Runtime:  0:30     
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 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Lars Larson Show Jul 22 2020 01:15PM PT 
  [1:23:25 PM] [0:35] Do you then change your plans based on the needs of the city to say I can't take vacation right now. But I'd love to get an answer although answers in the PORTLAND POLICE bureau lately have been few and far between. The Charles is a naysayer a Charles thanks for listening on the radio Northwest network what you and I disagree. About you and you continually modify down what now democrat party democrats this what's the story why well they are the.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  15,500     Ad Value:  $238     Calc Ad Value:  $278   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $833     Runtime:  0:35     
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 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland's Afternoon News Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:07:59 PM] [0:31] Me and help me when he finds disturbing about the federal officers in Portland just a federal aid to writing people. And not arrested PORTLAND POLICE say they did not make arrest after sometimes trying to break into the federal courthouse with. Fires and vandalize property downtown and you will news one oh one Kate brown wants federal officers out of Portland she. Said in a press conference at this is a democracy not a dictatorship as far as the late-night violent protest property.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  12,200     Ad Value:  $187     Calc Ad Value:  $193   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $580     Runtime:  0:31     
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 KXL-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland's Afternoon News Jul 22 2020 06:30PM PT 
  [6:36:08 PM] [0:32] Crowd that is cleared in an unlawful assembly Lewis and Clark law professor time in tells me when he is serving about the. Federal officers in Portland just the federal agents grabbing people and not the PORTLAND POLICE say they did not make arrest. After sometimes trying to break into the federal courthouse fires and vandalize property downtown and you'll them news one oh want. A united call for de-escalation and for all violence against civilians and nonviolent civil protesters to cease that was the message.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  10,600     Ad Value:  $163     Calc Ad Value:  $174   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $522     Runtime:  0:32     
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 News Register  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland standoff: State asks federal agents to be reined in Jul 22 2020 08:13PM PT 
  On Thursday, a judge will hear arguments in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of journalists and legal observers who say they were targeted and attacked by police while documenting demonstrations. A freelance photographer covering the protests for The Associated Press submitted an affidavit that he was beaten with batons, chemical irritants and hit with rubber bullets. U.S. Judge Michael Simon previously ruled that journalists and legal observers are exempt from PORTLAND POLICE orders requiring protesters to disperse once an area has been declared an unlawful assembly. Federal lawyers say in court filings that journalists should have to leave when ordered to do so. Ahead of Wednesday's hearing, a fence was raised around Portland's federal courthouse, at which protesters and federal agents had clashed again overnight, according to police.
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 Unique Visitors:  8,596     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $111   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $333     
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 Oregon Public Broadcasting [OPB]  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 DHS Defends Use Of Force, Tactics During Portland Protests Jul 22 2020 01:16AM PT 
  "We are only targeting and arresting those who have been identified as committing criminal acts," Wolf said at Tuesday's press conference, "like any other law enforcement agency does across the country." Pettibone was not charged with any crime and DHS has not said whether the second individual has been charged. Mark Morgan, acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, reiterated that federal law enforcement officers are in Portland to protect federal property. "We are not patrolling the streets of Portland, as has been falsely reported," Morgan claimed, despite federal officers assisting the PORTLAND POLICE in clearing city streets on multiple nights. Author: Jonathan Levinson, Opb July
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 Unique Visitors:  387,683     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $583   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,749     
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 Oregon Public Broadcasting [OPB]  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Eudaly Rule Would Order Portland Police To Stop Cooperating With Federal Officer Jul 22 2020 04:53AM PT 
  Eudaly Rule Would Order PORTLAND POLICE To Stop Cooperating With Federal Officers A day after accusing the PORTLAND POLICE of collaborating "with federal occupiers," Commissioner Chloe Eudaly wants to create a wall between the local police and the federal law enforcement recently deployed to the city. Eudaly plans to introduce two-protest-related resolutions at Wednesday's City Council meeting. The first would instruct the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau to stop cooperating with all federal law enforcement. The second condemns the targeting of the press and legal observers by law enforcement. "As Commissioner Eudaly stated yesterday, she is committed to doing everything in her power to oust the federal occupiers and hold the PPB accountable," her office said in a statement. "These two resolutions are critical next steps in this effort." If passed as currently drafted, one resolution would bar all members of the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau from providing, requesting or willingly receiving "operational support" from federal officers recently deployed to Portland. This includes embedding in a federal incident command center, sharing or receiving information with the federal officers or policing protests alongside them, according to the draft. The rule says a police officer found to be in violation of the rule would "be subject to discipline." It doesn't define what form that discipline would take. Eudaly's proposal also says that any request coming from the federal government for "operational cooperation" with the Portland bureau must be reported to the entire city council via email. The other resolution "affirms" that local police can't arrest or use physical force on members of the press or legal observers who are obeying the law. A federal judge already placed these restrictions on PORTLAND POLICE earlier this month after a lawsuit filed by the ACLU on behalf of journalists and legal observers. Eudaly is placing the item on the four-fifths agenda, meaning it will need to be approved by all four members of the city council,according to city code - including Mayor Ted Wheeler, who has day-to-day oversight of the bureau under Portland's unique commission form of government. In a statement, Eudaly's office said they have "a high degree of confidence" she has the support to get it passed.
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 Unique Visitors:  387,683     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $583   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,749     
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 Oregon Public Broadcasting [OPB]  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 ACLU Oregon Files Lawsuit Against Portland, Federal Officers In Defense Of Volun Jul 22 2020 10:56PM PT 
  ACLU Oregon Files Lawsuit Against Portland, Federal Officers In Defense Of Volunteer Protest Medics The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon Wednesday filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of people working as volunteer medics during ongoing Portland protests. The lawsuit states both officers with the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau and federal officers deployed to the city have targeted medics with tear gas, rubber bullets and arrests. The lawsuit is representing four protest medics. They're suing the city of Portland, an individual PORTLAND POLICE Bureau officer and unnamed PPB officers, as well as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshals Service and unnamed federal officers. "Volunteer medics should be celebrated, not attacked or arrested," Jann Carson, interim executive director of the ACLU of Oregon said in a statement. "Our clients are volunteering day and night to provide aid to the injured and to create a safer environment for protesters and bystanders. These attacks are unconscionable as well as unconstitutional. This lawlessness must end." One of the lawsuit's plaintiffs is Michael Martinez, a graduate student at Oregon Health & Science University. Martinez began serving as a protest medic with a group of others affiliated with OHSU last month, court documents state. The OHSU volunteer medic group set up a table offering personal protective equipment including masks and gloves as well as medical supplies. The lawsuit states Martinez was arrested by PORTLAND POLICE when trying to pack up the medic table while PPB was clearing an area of downtown that had been designated in an "unlawful assembly." "I filed this lawsuit because many people in this country, such as George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, will never. have their day in court," Martinez said in a statement. "I feel it's all the more important to use whatever resources and power I have to confront this abhorrent system, which allows people in America, primarily Black people, to be beaten and killed by police without consequence." Other plaintiffs named in the lawsuit, Christopher Durkee and Savannah Guest, state they were tear.
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 Unique Visitors:  387,683     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $583   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,749     
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 Oregonian  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Editorial endorsement: A tough call, but voters should pick Dan Ryan for Portlan Jul 22 2020 01:41PM PT 
  Smith, 55, should be the stronger candidate, with her deep experience working for U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, her two terms on the Multnomah County Commission and her success in establishing programs to help minority youth and the elderly. She offers specific ideas, such as creating a civilian committee for reviewing police policies and cutting $50 million from the PORTLAND POLICE budget as some community members have called for. As a Black woman who raised a Black son, she genuinely and personally understands the moral calling to change the policing system. And she is unafraid to challenge people or organizations, as her tenure on the county commission shows.
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 Unique Visitors:  1,543,712     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $1,514   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,542     
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 Oregonian  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 As coronavirus rages, Portland's homeless camps continue to grow Jul 22 2020 02:09PM PT 
  There are other encampments around the city that have far fewer amenities but have grown exponentially since the start of the pandemic. Several smaller groups of tents dot parking lots and sidewalks along Southeast Powell Boulevard the further east you go. PORTLAND POLICE recently dispersed an encampment downtown in Lownsdale and Chapman squares. Business owners have reported tents obstructing sidewalks in Old Town, and encampments continue to grow in the south end of downtown, as well as around the Gateway Transit Center. The city has also opened three organized camps downtown - two on Southeast Water Avenue and one near the westside base of Broadway Bridge - that house 100-120 people in total.
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  "We don't want to be collecting personal property right now, but we have to," Hafer said. She said the city's homeless program legally has to post sites before they're cleaned. The PORTLAND POLICE Bureau can conduct quicker cleanups if the sites pose health and safety concerns or there are illegal activities happening. The program plans to start in Old Town, where local businesses have voiced concerns about the large number of tents popping up on the sidewalks. "We understand homelessness is a crisis in Portland right now," Hafer said.
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 Unique Visitors:  1,543,712     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $1,514   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,542     
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 Oregonian  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Portland bans police from working with federal law enforcement, targeting journa Jul 22 2020 11:04PM PT 
  Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, who crafted and introduced the last-minute resolutions, Commissioner Amanda Fritz, Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty and Mayor Ted Wheeler unanimously voted to approve the policies, calling them necessary as President Donald Trump has refused to remove federal officers from the city. Portlanders have taken to the streets for eight weeks to protest police brutality and systemic racism and have been met with force from city and federal officers leading to injuries, arrests and lawsuits. The ban on coordinating with federal officers cites "an unprecedented and unconstitutional abuse of power by the federal government" as reason to discipline any PORTLAND POLICE member if they provide, request or willingly receive operational support from any agency or employee representing the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Marshal Service, Federal. Protective Service, Customs and Border Protection or any other federal service while they are occupying the city. The other policy condemns intentional targeting of press members and legal observers who are documenting police conduct during the protests unless city officers have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a crime.
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  City, state and congressional leaders, including Wheeler, have called for Trump to remove federal officers from the city. The president, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and other federal officials have refused, saying the federal Mark O. Hatfield Courthouse and Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building downtown need to be protected from graffiti and other damage from demonstrators. PORTLAND POLICE officials said last week that the bureau regularly communicated with federal authorities during downtown protests to be aware of what the other was doing and that a member of the Federal Protective Service was stationed in the PORTLAND POLICE command post. They've said neither agency has direct control over the other's operations. Wheeler, who is also PORTLAND'S POLICE commissioner, has said the city doesn't want or need federal aid and that the city didn't know what federal officers were doing or why. During the weekend, the police bureau announced it would no longer have a federal presence in its command post. The fire bureau announced the next day that Hardesty, who oversees the agency, approved a policy change to prevent any law enforcement from using city fire stations as a base for tactical operations. Hardesty said Wednesday that she's been appalled by the actions of law enforcement toward demonstrators. She accused Trump of trying to silence Portlanders' First Amendment rights and accused the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION, the union that represents the majority of officers, of lying to the public about the bureau's level of cooperation with federal authorities. She questioned why Portland officers didn't protect demonstrators from being tear gassed and attacked by federal authorities. She said she disagreed that there are "riots' in the city most nights, as police have declared, and said that "acts of resistance" from the public shouldn't be met with excessive force. "If Portland does not stand up now and we as a city council don't hold our own police officers accountable for this egregious behavior, we will go down in history as having failed in our obligation to protect community members," she said. Hardesty said she believes PORTLAND POLICE'S response to demonstrations opened the door for federal officers being deployed and also using force. Wheeler and police officials have said, by contrast, that PORTLAND POLICE had protests under control to the extent they were close to petering out and that federal overreaction and overreach was responsible for reigniting Portlanders' fury. "The blame should rest entirely on the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau and their lack of de-escalation skills, their lack of ability to engage communities where they are and their lack of desire to protect Portlanders, who are under fire every single night," Hardesty said. Hardesty said she was shocked when, during a recent conversation with PORTLAND POLICE CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL, he said he didn't think journalists were protected under the Constitution. When police order people to leave, Hardesty recalled Lovell saying, everyone should leave whether they are part of the media or not. She said she couldn't convince him otherwise. "The fact that the chief does not know that the media has a right to record their actions makes this resolution vital," Hardesty said. Fritz said the city planned to take more actions to address federal officers in the city, condemned the actions of the president and federal officers, and called on Portlanders to remain united against racial injustice. "People who commit violent acts aren't welcome here, whichever side of the confrontation line they occupy during the demonstrations," Fritz said. "Those responsible must be brought justice whether they wear a badge or not." Wheeler said he didn't agree with everything Eudaly, Fritz and Hardesty said, but he was "deeply disturbed" by reports of journalists being targeted by federal and city police officers during demonstration. He said they should be allowed to do their jobs without fear of police interference. He said the community is being attacked by federal officers the city has no oversight of and that they weren't invited, properly trained or welcome in the city. "Therefore, I have no reservations about directing the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau to continue to reject any or all requests for support from these federal interlopers," Wheeler said. "What's happening on our streets is not only an assault on Portland values, but on American norms." Wheeler announced Monday that he joined the mayors of Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Seattle and Washington D.C., in sending letters calling on the Trump administration to scrap plans to send federal forces to major. American cities and for Congressional leadership to launch an investigation into the deployments.
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 Unique Visitors:  1,543,712     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $1,514   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $4,542     
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 Portland Mercury  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 I Know How to Cover a Portland Protest. So Why Am I Shaking? Jul 22 2020 07:24PM PT 
  I Know How to Cover a Portland Protest. So Why Am I Shaking? PORTLAND POLICE officers in downtown Portland in the early hours of July 18. This essay by Karina Brown, a Portland native and Courthouse News reporter, was first published by Courthouse News on July 21. It's being shared here with the permission of both the author and publication.
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  Protest is pretty normal here. A staffer in the George H.W. Bush administration didn't nickname us Little Beirut for nothing. On one memorable May Day march downtown, a friend was trampled by a PORTLAND POLICE officer on horseback. Another time, I marched around the circular interior of the mall just blocks from the Multnomah County Justice Center where the protests are centered now. It was October 2001 and the Afghanistan war had just begun. "While you're shopping, bombs are dropping" echoed through the cavernous five-story interior, my chanting voice dissolving into those around me. And there were the marches and rallies after PORTLAND POLICE shot and killed 21-year-old Kendra James in 2003 as she tried to drive away from a traffic stop. I'd been sporadically covering the recent protests against systemic racism and police brutality for Courthouse News Service when Oregon Public Broadcasting revealed that federal police in combat fatigues were whisking protesters off the streets into unmarked minivans without probable cause, explanation or apparent constitutional authority. I knew I needed to take another turn offering a set of journalistic eyeballs to watch the streets. So I went out this past Friday. But I was surprised when the days that followed were marked by unexplained crying jags, forgetfulness and depression. I'd open a cupboard door and not know why - and then do it again. Painting and ballet class - my normal non-news decompression activities - seemed utterly pointless. Suddenly, everything did. And I was growing increasingly angry at the cops who'd taunted me late that night, as they chased and scattered ever-dwindling groups of protesters around downtown. After hours of peaceful protest, PORTLAND POLICE and federal officers with the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Marshals Service rushed a crowd of a few hundred demonstrators, shooting off deafening flash bangs and round after round of tear gas. They lined up across the street, running shoulder to shoulder at the crowd. Their batons were aloft, ready for anyone who couldn't run fast enough.
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 Unique Visitors:  127,241     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $317   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $951     
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 Portland Mercury  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 City Council Votes to End Portland Police Cooperation With Federal Officers Jul 22 2020 09:20PM PT 
  City Council Votes to End PORTLAND POLICE Cooperation With Federal Officers Federal officers stand next to PORTLAND POLICE during a July 4 protest. Portland City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to cease any cooperation between city law enforcement and the federal agents sent to Portland to stifle protests against systemic racism and police brutality. "I'm bringing this resolution forward today, because in the midst of a global pandemic and an economic crisis, our city is now enduring a violent federal paramilitary occupation," said City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, who introduced the resolution. "While there are many elements of this situation beyond city council's control, we must take every action available to combat violations of those constitutional and human rights of our residents." This resolution codifies the shaky promises made by local officials to keep local police from collaborating with officers dressed in camouflage combat. uniforms that have been clouding downtown Portland in nightly violence. "Be it resolved that all members of the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau shall not provide, request, or willingly receive operational support. from any agent or employee representing or constituting part of deployment under executive order from the president," the resolution reads. Federal officers with the US Marshals Service and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been policing Portland protests since they began in late May. But their response escalated on June 26, after Donald Trump penned an executive order deploying federal police to protect federal monuments and buildings from "left-wing extremists." By July 4, a swarm of specialty federal agents-Border Patrol's equivalent of a SWAT team- had landed in Portland. These agents have responded to Portlanders demonstrating in front of the Mark Hatfield Federal Courthouse with remarkable force. In response to graffiti, broken windows, and other perceived threats to the courthouse building, these officers have fired canisters of tear gas and flash-bang grenades indiscriminately into crowds of non-violent demonstrators without warning. Their heavy-handed use of so-called "less-lethal" crowd control munitions has sent dozens of Portlanders to the hospital, some in critical condition. On Monday evening, several federal police were seen pointing assault rifles and pistols at the crowd. While Mayor Ted Wheeler has stressed that the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau (PPB) has disengaged with federal police over the past week, actions on the ground by PORTLAND POLICE suggest otherwise. On Friday, PPB officers appeared to be working in concert with the federal agents, rushing in to arrest and beat members of the public after federal police shot a barrage of tear gas and munitions at people gathered at SW Main and 3rd. Earlier that day, PPB CHIEF CHUCK LOVELL acknowledged that the police bureau does "communicate with federal officers for the purpose of situational awareness and deconfliction." By Saturday, Wheeler said he'd since barred federal agents from joining city officers at PPB's incident command center during nightly protests. The City Council resolution guarantees this disengagement. The policy, approved unanimously by commissioners Wednesday afternoon, isn't a temporary fix-the vote makes it binding city policy. Officers who disobey the order will be "subject to discipline for violating the policies of the elected City Council and disobeying the direct order of a superior officer." But formally segregating PORTLAND POLICE from federal officers did not shield PPB from the commissioners' criticism. Before voting in favor, Hardesty noted that the federal visitors aren't the only law enforcement officers abusing the rights of Portlanders. "Let me be clear: The opening came for [Trump] to send in this malicious squad because of the over-aggressive actions of PORTLAND POLICE, said Hardesty. "We cannot put the blame totally on this secret federal police force. The blame should rest entirely on the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau and their lack of deescalation skills. and their lack of desire to protect Portlanders who are under fire every single night." A second resolution proposed Wednesday by Eudaly attempts to underscore a current legal order prohibiting PPB's use of force against legal observers and members of the press. There have been serious allegations made that tear gas, pepper spray, excessive force, calls to disperse, and arrest have been used to prevent the press from documenting the actions of officers and protesters," reads the resolution. It's these allegations that prompted the ACLU of Oregon to file a class action lawsuit against the City of Portland and its police bureau in late June, accusing PPB of violating the constitution by assaulting and arresting journalists for observing and documenting recent protest activity. Editor's Note: The Portland Mercury is one of several plaintiffs in this case. A federal judge approved a temporary restraining order on July 2, barring media and legal reporters from arrest, assault, or forced dispersal by PPB officers as the lawsuit plays out in court. While city attorneys deny the lawsuits' allegations, members of City Council affirmed otherwise Wednesday. "The violence perpetrated against members of the media and legal observers by the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau and by federal occupiers is completely unacceptable," Eudaly said. "The press helps hold the government accountable for its actions and the lack of government accountability for police violence is what has led millions of protesters around the globe to take to the streets." The resolution, which also garnered unanimous support from city commissioners, "affirms" the court order and adds an extra. threat that officers in violation will be will "subject to discipline for violating the policies of the elected City Council." It's not immediately clear what that discipline would be.
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 Unique Visitors:  127,241     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $317   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $951     
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 Statesman Journal  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 'This is not a dictatorship!': Portland protesters push back harder against Trum Jul 22 2020 05:45PM PT 
  According to federal court documents filed Tuesday, there are 114 federal officers deployed to Portland, including representatives from the Federal Protective Service, Immigration Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Marshals Service. Many of the deployed agents are wearing Department of Homeland Security patches but not nametags. Gow, who is Black, had purposefully avoided the protests for weeks, worried he'd be targeted by PORTLAND POLICE because the city has so few Black men. But with more and more white people protesting, Gow said he felt safer raising his voice. Portland is 77% white and 6% Black, meaning there are only about 40,000 Black people in the city.
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 Unique Visitors:  161,721     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $435   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,305     
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 Statesman Journal  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Judge hears Oregon request to restrain federal agents Jul 22 2020 07:22PM PT 
  On Thursday a judge will hear arguments in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of journalists and legal observers who say they were targeted and attacked by police while documenting demonstrations. A freelance photographer covering the protests for The Associated Press submitted an affidavit that he was beaten with batons, chemical irritants and hit with rubber bullets. U.S. Judge Michael Simon previously ruled that journalists and legal observers are exempt from PORTLAND POLICE orders requiring protesters to disperse once an area has been declared an unlawful assembly. Federal lawyers say in court filings that journalists should have to leave when ordered to do so. The Trump administration also faces another lawsuit, accusing federal agents of violating protesters' 10th Amendment rights by engaging in police activities designated to local and state governments. That legal action was filed by the Western States Center, which helps organize and promote the rights of communities of color and low-income people. Ahead of Wednesday's hearing, a fence was raised around the federal courthouse, outside of which protesters and federal agents had clashed again overnight, according to the PORTLAND POLICE, who were not present. Protesters repeatedly tried to break into the courthouse and set fires around it, and the federal agents drove them back with tear gas and stun grenades, the police said. Far from tamping down the unrest in Portland, the presence of federal agents on the streets of the progressive city has recently energized the nightly protests.
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 Unique Visitors:  161,721     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $435   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,305     
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 Willamette Week  Newspaper   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 City Commissioner Hardesty Blames Mayor Wheeler, Portland Police Bureau for Fede Jul 22 2020 09:58PM PT 
  City Commissioner Hardesty Blames Mayor Wheeler, PORTLAND POLICE Bureau for Federal Occupation "Portland was never out of control. PORTLAND'S POLICE overreacted, which gave [Trump] permission to send in these unarmed troops." A PORTLAND POLICE officer and Multnomah County Sheriff's officers patrolling protests along North Lombard Street. (Nikolai Ursin) On Wednesday, City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty blamed the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau and Mayor Ted Wheeler for exacerbating violence in Portland and effectively welcoming federal law enforcement agents to the city. "PORTLAND POLICE have consistently lied to the public. They've lied to our congressional delegation about whether or not they were coordinating activities with this federal secret police force," Hardesty said during a webinar Wednesday hosted by Western States Center, which tracks extremism in the Pacific Northwest. "Portland was never out of control. PORTLAND'S POLICE overreacted, which gave 45 [President Trump] permission to send in these unarmed troops." Separately, during a Portland City Council meeting Wednesday, Hardesty said Wheeler "welcomed" the involvement of federal officers, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting reporter Rebecca Ellis. Hardesty said that the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION, the city's police union, had also welcomed the deployment of federal agents. Her remarks are the latest step in a public fracture with Wheeler, who has counted on Hardesty as his ally as he seeks reelection. The two officials worked together last month to produce a budget that reduced police funding by $15 million. But last week, she demanded he rein in the use of force by Portland officers, or give her oversight of the bureau. On Monday, he refused. Now Hardesty is rebuking Wheeler in public meetings, even as she repeats her demand that he hand her control of police. During the webinar with Western States Center, Hardesty went on to say that she doesn't believe Portland protesters have caused violence or started fires. Instead, she claimed, any such action was carried out by plainclothes police officers embedded into crowds of peaceful protesters. "I absolutely believe that it is police action, and they are sending saboteurs and provocateurs into peaceful crowds so that they can justify their inhumane treatment of people who are standing up for their rights," Hardesty said. (She made a similar accusation at City Council this morning, but specified that she believed PORTLAND POLICE were the saboteurs. She has not produced evidence of those allegations.) Hardesty added that she has had to explain to city officials, including Wheeler, that it is not out of the realm of possibility for local police to collaborate with federal officers. "We have an ignorance at the highest levels in our city government," Hardesty said, "people who just assumed that if the police said it happened, it really happened." Wheeler's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Daryl Turner, the president of the PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION, issued a livid statement decrying Hardesty for saying police were acting as agent provocateurs. "If Commissioner Hardesty has evidence of her outlandish accusation, she should immediately produce it," Turner said. "Of course, there is no such evidence.
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 Unique Visitors:  233,876     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $531   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,593     
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 Albany Democrat Herald  Newspaper   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 'Very frightening': Opposition grows to US agents in cities Jul 22 2020 05:26AM PT 
  "It's like a dictatorship," Widman, a grandmother of five, said, holding a sign that read: "Grammy says: Please feds, leave Portland." "I mean, that he can pick on our city mostly because of the way we vote and make an example of it for his base is very frightening,"she said. Federal agents again used force to scatter protesters early Tuesday and deployed tear gas and rubber bullets as some in the crowd tried to pull plywood off the shuttered entryway of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse. PORTLAND POLICE said some protesters lit fires in the street and tried several times to set them at the courthouse doors. Wolf defended the federal response, saying the Department of Homeland Security has clear authority to protect government property and detain people suspected of threatening personnel or damaging such property. Wolf said agents have been assaulted with lasers, bats, fireworks, bottles and other weapons and "yet the city of Portland takes little to no action." While he said federal agencies have made 43 arrests since July 4, he disputed that they were done by unidentified agents, noting that they have the word.
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 Unique Visitors:  33,494     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $283   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $849     
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 Corvallis Gazette Times  Web   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 'Very frightening': Opposition grows to US agents in cities Jul 22 2020 05:31AM PT 
  "It's like a dictatorship," Widman, a grandmother of five, said, holding a sign that read: "Grammy says: Please feds, leave Portland." "I mean, that he can pick on our city mostly because of the way we vote and make an example of it for his base is very frightening," she said. Federal agents again used force to scatter protesters early Tuesday and deployed tear gas and rubber bullets as some in the crowd tried to pull plywood off the shuttered entryway of the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse. PORTLAND POLICE said some protesters lit fires in the street and tried several times to set them at the courthouse doors. Wolf defended the federal response, saying the Department of Homeland Security has clear authority to protect government property and detain people suspected of threatening personnel or damaging such property. Wolf said agents have been assaulted with lasers, bats, fireworks, bottles and other weapons and "yet the city of Portland takes little to no action." While he said federal agencies have made 43 arrests since July 4, he disputed that they were done by unidentified agents, noting that they have the word.
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 Unique Visitors:  39,586     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $199   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $597     
Media Type Icon
 KEZI-ABC  Television   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 KEZI 9 News at 4PM Jul 22 2020 04:00PM PT 
  [4:41:31 PM] [0:22]  So they started a petition calling for a change to police use of force during protests. So far, neither the apartment building's management, PORTLAND POLICE, or the mayor's office has responded to this petition. Good afternoon, I'm Matt templeman. Several repair and reuse non-profits and businesses are getting grants worth thousands of dollars to protect our health and environment.
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 Nielsen Audience:  8,222     Ad Value:  $300     Calc Ad Value:  $220   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $660     Runtime:  0:22     
Media Type Icon
 KLCC  Online Only   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 In Portland, A Wall Of Moms And Leaf Blowers Against Tear Gas Jul 22 2020 08:38PM PT 
  Another uses a leaf blower to blow back the gas, a tactic used last year by protesters in Hong Kong. State and local leaders have repeatedly called for federal agents to leave the city, arguing that their presence has made an already-tense environment worse. "The federal police have their marching orders on how they're going to do things, PORTLAND POLICE ASSOCIATION President Daryl Turner told NPR on Tuesday. "And that coordination was not made with PORTLAND POLICE. In response to both the federal actions in Portland and the implied threat by President Trump to deploy federal officers to other U.S. cities, more than a dozen U.S. mayors have sent an open letter to Attorney General William Barr and. Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. The letter calls on the Department of Justice and DHS to withdraw the forces from American cities and halt plans to send any more.
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 Unique Visitors:  15,366     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $81   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $243     
Media Type Icon
 KLSR-FOX  Television   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 Oregons News at 10 Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:06:41 PM] [0:35]  Demonstrators reached the west side doors and set fires overnight. PORTLAND POLICE say federal artificers started using crowd control ammunitions around 11:30 P.M. To break up the crowd. They say that several people tried to start a fire outside of the building. Blocked people inside with pieces of a fence, and did start a fire in lansdale square. Officers used another round of crowd control ammunitions just before 2 PM. Police say they were not present last night, and did engage with the crowd or deploy cs gas. Additionally PORTLAND POLICE do not make any arrest.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  7,001     Ad Value:  $163     Calc Ad Value:  $190   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $570     Runtime:  0:35     
Media Type Icon
 KMTR-NBC  Television   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 NBC 16 News at 5PM Jul 22 2020 05:00PM PT 
  [5:02:21 PM] [0:49]  Just hours ago a crew put up a barrier in front of the federal courthouse. Demonstrators breeched the west side doors and set fires overnight. PORTLAND POLICE say federal officers started using crowd control munitions around 11-30 last night to try and break up the crowd. They also say several people tried to start a fire outside the building blocked people inside with pieces of a fence and did start a fire in lownsdale square. Federal officers used *another round of crowd control munitions just before two A.M. PORTLAND POLICE say they were not present last night and didn't engage with the crowd or deploy c-s gas. Additioanlly PORTLAND POLICE did not make any arrests. Or deploy a grand jury will now hear evidence in the case of a black unity protester hit by a car last month in Eugene. Prosecutors will present the
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  9,291     Ad Value:  $100     Calc Ad Value:  $163   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $490     Runtime:  0:49     
Media Type Icon
 KMTR-NBC  Television   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 NBC 16 News at 530PM Jul 22 2020 05:30PM PT 
  [5:34:54 PM] [0:31]  There's now a barrier in front of the federal courthouse after protesters breeched the west side doors and set fires overnight. PORTLAND POLICE say federal officers started using crowd control munitions around 11-30 P.M. to try and break up the crowd. Police say they did not engage the crowd or make any arrests. Police say protesters tried to start a fire outside the federal building block people inside with pieces of a fence and start a fire in lownsdale square, that prompted federal officers 3 to use *another round of crowd control munitions just before two A.M.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  11,110     Ad Value:  $100     Calc Ad Value:  $103   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $310     Runtime:  0:31     
Media Type Icon
 KPIC-TV  Television   Market: Eugene, OR (117) 
 Judge hears Oregon request for restraining order against federal agents Jul 22 2020 05:25PM PT 
  "It's important to underscore what's at stake here. The Hatfield courthouse did not damage itself," he said, calling the protests "dangerous and volatile." It wasn't clear when Mosman would rule. Ahead of Wednesday's hearing, a fence was raised around the federal courthouse, outside of which protesters and federal agents had clashed again overnight, according to the PORTLAND POLICE, who were not present. Protesters repeatedly tried to break into the courthouse and set fires around it, and the federal agents drove them back with tear gas and stun grenades, the police said. Far from tamping down the unrest in Portland, the presence of federal agents on the streets of the progressive city has recently energized the nightly protests that had begun to devolve into smaller crowds.
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 Unique Visitors:  37,764     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $251   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $753     
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 KDRV-TV [ABC 12]  Television   Market: Medford-Klamath Falls, OR (135) 
 Portland protests day 55: Demonstrators gather to chant 'feds go home,'crowds di Jul 22 2020 04:30PM PT 
  Our ability to have the freedom to assemble and to speak, it's important that we stand up and defend it," Anne Sherwood of Wall of Moms said. "We're defending it for our children- we all have children, teenagers who go to school in this city and we're here because they have a future in this country, a future in a free country. We're here to defend that for them if I have to take a little bit of tear gas for that, I'm willing to do that." At 10:15, some protesters were seen bringing plywood to the Justice Center, according to the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau. About half an hour later, people started to kick the front doors of the PPB Central Precinct. Meanwhile, others dragged a large metal fence to the west side of the Federal Courthouse.
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  At Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street, police said the group "aggressively ran towards the portico on the west side of the Federal Courthouse." At 11:25 p.m., federal officers once again dispersed the crowd. About an hour later, around 12:30 a.m., people once again converged on the west side of the Federal Courthouse. This time, a fire was set outside the west side doors located on the PORTICO, POLICE said. For a third time, federal officers began to disperse the crowd. At 12:45 a.m., some members of the group collected fences and road barricades and began advancing on the Federal Courthouse using pieces of the fence as a shield, police said.
  ViewView Icon  
 Unique Visitors:  109,977     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $394   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,182     
Media Type Icon
 KMVU-FOX  Television   Market: Medford-Klamath Falls, OR (135) 
 Fox 26 News First at Ten Jul 22 2020 10:00PM PT 
  [10:25:42 PM] [0:30] The fence that went up Wednesday has a larger perimeter and more reinforcement than what was used earlier this week. Monday night, people began spray painting the federal courthouse and pounding on plywood that covered the building, attempting to break in, according to the PORTLAND POLICE bureau. Police also said some people in the crowd lit a fire near a door to the federal courthouse, early Tuesday morning. Federal officers used tear gas, flash-bang grenades and other munitions to disperse the crowd.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  6,704     Ad Value:  $156     Calc Ad Value:  $156   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $468     Runtime:  0:30     
Media Type Icon
 KOBI-NBC  Television   Market: Medford-Klamath Falls, OR (135) 
 NBC News 5 at 5 Jul 22 2020 04:57PM PT 
  [5:00:36 PM] [0:19] The fence that went up Wednesday r and ha more reinforcement, than what was used earlier this we. Monday night. People began spray painting the federal courthouse and cod the builplywood (at di ng, atmpng to break in, according to the PORTLAND POLICE bureau. Lice! Also said some people in the crowd lit a fire near a door t co.
  ViewView Icon  
 Nielsen Audience:  2,323     Ad Value:  $45     Calc Ad Value:  $28   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $86     Runtime:  0:19     
Media Type Icon
 KOBI-NBC  Television   Market: Medford-Klamath Falls, OR (135) 
 NBC News 5 at 5 Jul 22 2020 05:58PM PT 
  [6:17:08 PM] [0:23] The fence that went up Wednesday has a larger perimeter and more reinforcement than what was used earlier this week. Monday night, people began spray painting the federal courthouse and pounding on plywood that covered the building, attempting to break in, according to the PORTLAND POLICE bureau. Police also said some people in the crowd lit a fire near a door to the federal courthouse, early Tuesday morning. Federal officers used tear gas, flash-bang grenades and other munitions to disperse the crowd.
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  [6:19:42 PM] [0:30]  So they started a petition calling for a change to police use of force during protests. No comment yet from the apartment no comment yet from the apartment building's management, PORTLAND POLICE, or the mayor's office. An overnight earthquake triggers multiple tsunami warnings in Alaska. The powerful 7.8 earthquake happened last night, just after 10 off the coast of the state, nearly 250-miles away from Anchorage.
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 Nielsen Audience:  9,458     Ad Value:  $75     Calc Ad Value:  $132   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $398     Runtime:  0:53     
Media Type Icon
 KTVZ-TV [NBC 21]  Television   Market: Bend, OR (185) 
 Portland protests day 55: Demonstrators gather to chant 'feds go home,' crowds d Jul 22 2020 02:44PM PT 
  Our ability to have the freedom to assemble and to speak, it's important that we stand up and defend it," Anne Sherwood of Wall of Moms said. "We're defending it for our children- we all have children, teenagers who go to school in this city and we're here because they have a future in this country, a future in a free country. We're here to defend that for them if I have to take a little bit of tear gas for that, I'm willing to do that." At 10:15, some protesters were seen bringing plywood to the Justice Center, according to the PORTLAND POLICE Bureau. About half an hour later, people started to kick the front doors of the PPB Central Precinct. Meanwhile, others dragged a large metal fence to the west side of the Federal Courthouse.
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  At Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Main Street, police said the group "aggressively ran towards the portico on the west side of the Federal Courthouse." At 11:25 p.m., federal officers once again dispersed the crowd. About an hour later, around 12:30 a.m., people once again converged on the west side of the Federal Courthouse. This time, a fire was set outside the west side doors located on the PORTICO, POLICE said. For a third time, federal officers began to disperse the crowd. At 12:45 a.m., some members of the group collected fences and road barricades and began advancing on the Federal Courthouse using pieces of the fence as a shield, police said.
  ViewView Icon  
 Unique Visitors:  128,644     CPM:  $11.38     Estimated Ad Value:  $531   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,593     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Morning Update Jul 23 2020 07:30AM PT 
  [7:34:29 AM] [0:26]  Spoke to the crow police the flares of molotov cocktails were thrown at the building the fence around the building was breached. Federal agents came out and attempted to disperse the crowd but they were unsuccessful PORTLAND POLICE to clear to riordan told. The crowd to leave took several hours for the crowd to disperse portably stood making arrests meals on wheels is asking for donations. Of plans for homebound people during the hot summer weather fans can be new or gently used you can drop them.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  4,800     Ad Value:  $73     Calc Ad Value:  $63   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $190     Runtime:  0:26     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Morning Update Jul 23 2020 08:00AM PT 
  [8:04:02 AM] [0:41]  Story we were met with demonstrators last night outside of the justice center us courthouse wheeler was asked why he didn't. Have PORTLAND POLICE take action against the federal agents size and cities in wheeler 's busy doing everything in his power. To get the federal agents to leave as is oregon's congressional delegation is working in Washington, DC oregon's Attorney General is suing the. Federal government and city attorneys are looking for legal action that can be taken the Oregon employment department is making progress.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,500     Ad Value:  $53     Calc Ad Value:  $72   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $217     Runtime:  0:41     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Morning Update Jul 23 2020 09:00AM PT 
  [9:04:29 AM] [1:14] Eleven ninety kex as Brad Ford has more boards that mister joanne hardisty says federal agents are acting as the presidents. Own military force and PORTLAND POLICE are lying about their involvement and calling seeing what has happened in the city over. The last week Ted wheeler says he is deeply disturbed by the federal agents ask and see what time they. Are not welcome there really trying used to leave the resolutions for have reported policeman working with federal agents and command situations. And crowd control are also prohibited from targeting media covering the demonstrations that's eleven ninety kex is bright Ford demonstrators turned. By last night outside of the courthouse in Portland after mayor wheeler spoke to the crown police say players and molotov cocktails. Were thrown out the building with a fence around the building was breached federal agents came out and attempted to disperse. The crowd but were unsuccessful PORTLAND POLICE declared a ride and told the crowd to leave it took several hours for. The crowd to disperse and PORTLAND POLICE didn't make any routes mass will be required for all teachers and students when. School resumes this fall the Oregon Department of Education says they'll provide five million cayenne ninety five face coverings donated by FEMA organs. Wildfire season is off to a slow start thanks already June but Oregon department of forestry 's Ron Graham warns that.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  6,200     Ad Value:  $95     Calc Ad Value:  $234   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $703     Runtime:  1:14     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon Updates Jul 23 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:09:49 PM] [0:35]  Able to say it so what's with was with joanne hardisty and she is she speaking yesterday at city council meeting. And she's going on about the PORTLAND POLICE bureau working with drew and and and what their what their what they're. Doing question why it was placed after tackling call and harass with eastbound logos came in and started attacking us don't. You know honey work a little better when you get to what your mom always said you can always track you.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,200     Ad Value:  $49     Calc Ad Value:  $57   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $172     Runtime:  0:35     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon Updates Jul 23 2020 12:30PM PT 
  [12:34:38 PM] [0:24] The reported city council is best to resolutions and limit actions of the PORTLAND POLICE bureau mister tran hardisty says for. The police must be stopped from working with federal forces when it concerns demonstration the council must take a strong stand. Against Portland crate barrel collaborating and collaborating with despair &quot flies one resolution presents the police from receiving or sending assistance and.
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  [12:38:52 PM] [0:30]  Didn't want close on who is clearly in a mental health crisis running from the line of police out there probably. PORTLAND POLICE they look like for the police department , carry out and start uniforms that have difficulty held that she. Was just running from the screenings she was so terrified and that makes my impression on me that people downtown people. Who are having mental health crisis no what's going on or they are not really part of the getting caught up.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  1,500     Ad Value:  $23     Calc Ad Value:  $41   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $124     Runtime:  0:54     
Media Type Icon
 KEX-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon Updates Jul 23 2020 12:30PM PT 
  [12:41:39 PM] [0:37]  Just fewer cameras around journalists go home to and and maybe the cops realize that as many eyes are on them. And then get away with more is not officers but certainly at PORTLAND POLICE multiple times when I've last ten ten. Minutes later a lot like Bill Clinton part I do not think that they're reading ) account personally but I do think that. They monitor whether or not journalists are there because it certainly is doing is recording that they connect with impunity in.
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 Nielsen Radio Audience:  1,500     Ad Value:  $23     Calc Ad Value:  $28   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $85     Runtime:  0:37     
Media Type Icon
 KOPB-FM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Morning Drive News Update Jul 23 2020 08:30AM PT 
  [8:38:06 AM] [0:37]  Gist of most of the questions was what is wheeler going to do to fix the situation the protesters asked about. You talked about being pure aghast that just by federal officers but by PORTLAND POLICE they wanted to know if that. Would ends they wanted to know what changes we are would be making to end police violence against black citizens and. Other people of color some asked about wheeler 's plans to strip money from the PORTLAND POLICE bureau and and whether. He would be abolishing police they wanted to know if you would give up control the please grow up people wanted. To know if you would resign years and plan to do either of those things and a lot a lot of people wanted to.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  24,900     Ad Value:  $383     Calc Ad Value:  $472   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $1,417     Runtime:  0:37     
Media Type Icon
 KPAM-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 First Edition Jul 23 2020 05:30AM PT 
  [5:31:53 AM] [0:32]  Estimates and contactless service for easier and safer pain collision repair get started mako. Com Southeast PORTLAND POLICEMAN investigating an overnight. Accident in the area one twenty second and start have been some closures in that area overnight are still some signs. Of some activity in that area so be aware that if you just setting out on your commute rail one twenty.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,700     Ad Value:  $56     Calc Ad Value:  $60   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $179     Runtime:  0:32     
Media Type Icon
 KPAM-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Bob Miller Show Jul 23 2020 09:00AM PT 
  [9:04:20 AM] [0:24]  On to encourage the protesters to continue protesting purchasers project a list of demands for the mayor on the side of. The justice center that included among other things defending the PORTLAND POLICE. At least fifty percent and wheeler 's resignation with summer blockbusters pushing back the release date because the coronavirus amc theaters is. Delaying its opening once again and he was at tennessee's reopening on July fifteenth with hopes of being fully operational may.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,300     Ad Value:  $50     Calc Ad Value:  $40   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $120     Runtime:  0:24     
Media Type Icon
 KPAM-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon News Updates Jul 23 2020 10:00AM PT 
  [10:04:56 AM] [0:24]  On to encourage the protesters to continue protesting protesters project a list of demands for the mayor on the side of. The justice center that included among other things defending the PORTLAND POLICE. At least fifty percent and weather 's resignation with summer blockbusters pushing back the release date because the coronavirus amc theaters is. Delaying its opening once again and he was sent to Santa fe's reopening on July fifteenth with hopes of being fully operational.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  4,000     Ad Value:  $61     Calc Ad Value:  $49   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $146     Runtime:  0:24     
Media Type Icon
 KPAM-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 Afternoon News Updates Jul 23 2020 11:30AM PT 
  [11:39:18 AM] [0:39]  Was the thing she tried to tell us he tried to tell us is that it's it's not about hatred of. The police and what are you doing wearing socks at practice that PORTRAY POLICE officers as it takes and and mark. Got his order yeah during the National anthem the yeah but where and basketball court and will replace the football field. They retreat their lockers yesterday that National ants / players a year the ignorance of their politics as everyone was in.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  3,500     Ad Value:  $53     Calc Ad Value:  $69   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $207     Runtime:  0:39     
Media Type Icon
 KPAM-AM  Radio   Market: Portland, OR (22) 
 The Victoria Taft Show Jul 23 2020 12:00PM PT 
  [12:05:48 PM] [0:25]  Go on to encourage the protesters to continue protesting purchasers project a list of demands for the mayor on the side. Of the justice center that included among other things defending the PORTLAND POLICE bureau by at least fifty percent and wheeler 's. Resignation with summer blockbusters pushing back the release date because the coronavirus amc theaters is delay opening once again and see. What kind of face reopening on July fifteenth with hopes of being fully operational by the twenty fourth that he was.
  ListenView Icon  
 Nielsen Radio Audience:  2,400     Ad Value:  $36     Calc Ad Value:  $30   
 Calc Publicity Value:  $90     Runtime:  0:25     
  Report Generated:  23 Jul 2020 21:30:13 UTC
  Story Count:  87
  Audience:  9,658,004
  Nielsen Audience:  790,957
  Nielsen Radio Audience:  177,300
  Unique Visitors:  8,689,747
  Ad Value:  $32,437
  Calc Ad Value:  $47,243
  Calc Publicity Value:  $141,744
  Runtime:  51:57
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